Here you will find all the products connected with the study of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®, including a variety of related books, films, music and posters. The Academy For Future Science offers a complete training program for individuals and groups. Our programs can also be used for the multi-disciplinary needs of an academic environment where each individual can design their own course of program. Our books and audio/video tutorials cover the basics for your investigation into our work and the ancient teachings based on the Scriptures and other prophetic, ancient wisdom traditions of the West. The teachings of The Keys also detail many other new findings in physics, archeology, linguistics, parapsychology, music, the environment and space sciences. Our theme is the Future calling us to Greatness. We appreciate your visit to our shop and hope you will enjoy browsing!
Salvator Mundi
by J.J. Hurtak & Desiree Hurtak
The 76 Sacred Names of the Myriad Expressions of the Cosmic Christ. The new book with colour Cosmographs and Sacred Name Meditations.
72.00 €